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Rising body temperature

Adults and children over 6 years of age should be treated for fever if the temperature exceeds 39°C. This temperature is no longer considered physiological, and can harm the body. In young children (up to 6 years) antipyretics should be used at a temperature of 38.6°C, due to the risk of convulsive syndrome.

Temperature is an important part of the body's fight against infection. With fever, the activity of cold pathogens is suppressed, and the body's defenses are mobilized. Therefore, excessive control of fever slows down the healing process. In addition, absolutely all antipyretics can cause side effects: allergies, damage to the stomach, kidneys, liver and others.

At fever evaporation of liquid from a skin surface considerably amplifies. Therefore, the child should drink plenty of water to avoid life-threatening dehydration. Suitable for any liquid: compotes, fruit drinks, tea, juices or just plain water.

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