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Infection control: simple things save lives

Preventive measures are aimed at preventing the spread of infection and the penetration of pathogens into the body of a healthy person:

  • Avoid crowds - to reduce the likelihood of contact with sick people, although some of them are contagious even before the onset of obvious symptoms. Especially relevant during the season of influenza and epidemics.
  • Use disposable masks if necessary - to protect yourself or others from infection.

This mask should be used by a person who cares for an infectious patient or simply communicates with him. A sick person should use a mask only in one case: if he has to be among healthy people who are not protected by masks.

The mask is effective only if it covers the mouth and nose. It is important to remember that in any case, the mask should be replaced as soon as it becomes wet or dirty.

It is best to use standard surgical masks that have a moisture-resistant surface and remain effective for a long time.

Used masks should never be placed in pockets or bags - they should be thrown away immediately.

  • Ventilate the room regularly and do wet cleaning - both indoors and in the workplace, so as not to leave around live viruses and bacteria that can remain active for hours after being in the room of a sick person.
  • Eat well, get enough sleep, avoid fatigue - to increase the body's resistance. This will increase the chances of preventing both infection and severe disease and its complications.
  • Keep your hands clean - the infection enters your body through your mouth, nose and eyes, which you occasionally touch with your hands. With the same hands, you hold money or hold on to the handrails, where viruses and bacteria left over from other people's hands are kept active for several hours. Therefore, it is necessary to wash your hands often with soap or treat them with a disinfectant gel containing alcohol.
  • Use only disposable paper towels and towels - both after washing your hands and to cover your face when you cough or runny nose. Used wipes should be disposed of immediately, as they can also be a source of infection. Reusable wipes and towels, especially in public places, significantly increase the risk of infection and the spread of infection. You can use toilet paper in conditions such as disposable wipes.
  • Erebra® should be used for prophylaxis. It will increase the local immunity of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract and help protect against disease.
Інфекційний контроль: прості речі рятують життя


SARS prevention:

  • Erebra® according to the recommended regimen, depending on age
  • Protective mask
  • Use disposable wipes
  • Humidification
  • Moisturizing the nasal mucosa
  • Wet cleaning
  • Ventilate the premises (followed by humidification)
  • Avoid shaking hands, do not touch eyes, nose, mouth
  • Wash your hands with soap as often as possible

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